Monday, June 1, 2009

Super fair trade tees

Check out Fair and Bear, the site is pretty similar to Threadless in that you (yes you) can submit your own t-shirt designs and get paid money stuffs if they are printed.

If like me you lack in design ability then you can peruse t-shirts, score some of the designs and of course buy the t-shirts. The big advantage that Fair and Bear have is that they are printing the designs on fair trade cotton tees plus you won't get smacked with an import duty as they are based in the UK unlike Threadless who are in the US.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    Thanks so much for the shout - We're very excited that you'd choose to talk about our little company. One thing, just so you know, it's Fair & Bare as in, "naked", not "will eat you for honey".

    Thanks again,

